

Information processing in the human central nerve system is achieved by the neural networks consisting of more than several hundred trillion synapses. To understand functions emerging from such a complex system, we have to understand the behavior of the system from a macroscopic viewpoint as well as to understand the structure/function of the system at a cellular level. Our mission is to develop technology, which can seamlessly measure brain function and structure from the microscopic to macroscopic levels.

図)脳波信号から直接運動意図を読み取り外部機器を駆動するBrain-Machine Interface(BMI)の開発と、新しい道具であるBMIを学習する脳の可塑性を理解するためのBMI-磁気共鳴機能画像(fMRI)同時計測(Kasahara et al. 2015 Neuroimage; 2018 BCI; in prep)

Fig) We have been developing Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) in which person’s motor intention is estimated from EEG signals online to control a computer. Using this system, we can also understand the state of the brain while a person is learning how to use BMI (Kasahara et al. 2015 Neuroimage; 2018 BCI; in prep).



Development of multi-modal neuroimaging

We have been developing multi-modal hierarchical neuroimaging by integrating non-invasive macroscopic imaging such as MRI and electroencephalography (EEG). We mainly use MRI because of its spatial localization ability in combination with EEG which has superior time resolution. We aim at obtaining insight into motor, sensory and cognitive control in both healthy people and patients with neurological disorders. We are also interested in developing intervention methods for the treatment of neurological disorders, using our multi-modal hierarchical neuroimaging and machine learning techniques.



Integration of macroscopic and microscopic imaging to understand neuroplasticity in mammalians including humans

Neuroplasticity occurs even in adult humans. We proved it by showing increased gray matter volume through learning. However, neurobiological mechanisms behind this macroscopic neuroplasticity have not been clarified yet (Fig). To understand biological mechanisms behind the neuroplasticity, we develop new technology, which can connect macroscopic phenomena observed from MRI with neurobiological information from tissues and cells. We hope to apply this new technique to neuropathological examination and brain dissection training for medical students.

図)左)学習内容に依存し特異的な脳部位に灰白質容積の増加―巨視的神経可塑性―が生じる(シアン:言語、黄:運動、マゼンタ:言語と運動に共通)(Hosoda et al. Commun Biol 2020; J Neurosci 2013)。この現象の神経生物学的メカニズムは不明が、ヒトを対象に研究することは困難。(右)げっ歯類の運動学習(Hori et al. 2019 Neuroimage)に伴う小脳の巨視的神経可塑性を手がかりに、神経生物学的メカニズムの解明を目指している

Fig) Left, gray matter volume increases in specific brain regions, depending on what participants learned about -- gray matter volume change in language learning (cyan), in motor learning (yellow), and in both language learning and motor learning (magenta). Neurobiological mechanisms behind this neuroplasticity have not been clarified yet, but this question is difficult to be solved human neuroscience only. Right, We thus try to investigate the relationship between the neuroplasticity in the cerebellum induced by motor learning and their neurobiological mechanisms, using a rodent model (Hori et al. 2019 Neuroimage).



Somatosensory-motor interaction studied using non-human primates

Somatosensory-motor interaction, the dynamic process by which the somatosensory and motor systems communicate with each other, is crucial for action and reaction to the environment. Through comprehensive recordings of central and peripheral nervous systems of non-human primates during voluntary movement, we have revealed dynamic flow of the somatosensory and motor information. Using multichannel neural activity recording, optogenetic manipulation, and fMRI recording from small monkeys, marmosets, we want to elucidate the mechanism of the somatosensory-motor interaction.

図 サルが手を伸ばしてレバーを引く際、一次体性感覚野と運動野の活動や、感覚受容器からの信号、筋肉の活動など同時計測

Fig) Simultaneous recording of the activity in the primary somatosensory and motor cortices, peripheral sensory receptors, and forelimb muscles when a monkey performed a reaching and grasping movement.

図 脳情報デコーディング技術を用いて明らかにした情報の流れ。一次体性感覚野が手を動かすよりも前の時点に運動野から“これからはじまる動き”に関する事前情報を受け取っていた(Umeda et al., Sci. Adv.)。

Fig) Information flow revealed by the neuronal decoding. The primary somatosensory cortex receives anticipatory information about the "upcoming movement" from the motor cortex before forelimb movements (Umeda et al., Sci. Adv.).